Top Five Things to Do as a New Player in PokeMMO
Here to guide you through the exciting world of PokeMMO. With tons of new players joining every day, wanted to share the top five things to do as a new player in this amazing game. So, let's dive right in!
Complete the Regions:
The first recommendation to all new players is to focus on and finish the first region you start with, and then proceed to complete as many region storylines as you can. The more regions you complete, the more access you'll have to various features like PokeMMO Money -making methods, Pokemon farming spots, shiny hunting areas, catching rare Pokemon, and participating in holiday events. Each new region you explore opens up the game even more, providing a richer and more diverse experience.
Get an HM Friend:
Traversing the vast overworld of PokeMMO can be made much easier with the help of a reliable HM friend. One Pokemon that I personally recommend is Dragonite. I've had this trusty Dragonite since 2013, and it has been an invaluable companion throughout my journey. To obtain your own Dragonite, you can fish for it in the Kanto Safari Zone using a Super Rod. Additionally, Dragon Spiral Tower north of Icarus City in Unova is another great spot to fish for Dratini or Dragonair. If you're in Sinnoh, head south from Hearthome City, then west to Mount Coronet, and fish inside the cave to encounter Dratini. You can also purchase a Dratini from the Global Trade Link (GTL) if you have the required Gym Badges.
Get a Catching Pokemon:
Having a dedicated catching Pokemon is essential for increasing your chances of capturing wild Pokemon. Look for a Pokemon that knows False Swipe, a move that leaves the opponent with 1 HP, and Spore, a sleep-inducing move with 100% accuracy. The ideal catching Pokemon options are Smeargle and Breloom. However, if you're looking for a budget option or need one quickly during your storyline runs, Parasect can be a solid choice.
Early Game Money Making:
To kickstart your financial progress in the game, I recommend catching Magikarp or other Pokemon in the Safari Zone. This is one of the best ways to make early-game money, as most regions have a safari zone where you can purchase Safari Balls for 500 Poke. Catching any Pokemon with a 31 IV guarantees profit. Understanding how to properly sell and value your Pokemon can be a bit complex, so I'll provide links in the video description to help you with this process.
Form a Gym Run Team:
Gym battles are one of the most consistent sources of income in the game. As soon as you can, start working on forming a team specifically for gym battles. Once your team is ready, engage in gym runs, and you'll witness a significant change in the game. Everything will feel much easier, and your progress will be boosted. For an in-depth guide on gym battling and the best team composition, check out the link provided in the video description.
Final Thought:
Congratulations on embarking on your PokeMMO journey! I hope these top five recommendations have given you a great starting point in your adventure. Remember to complete regions, get an HM friend, acquire a catching Pokemon, engage in early-game money-making methods, and form a strong team for gym battles. For those who need a lot of money, you can choose MMOtank to directly buy PokeMMO gold or PokeMMO money.