Skull and Bones: How To Restore And Increase Stamina

Make sure your naval craft is always ready to go in Skull and Bones.


As you explore the oceans of Skull and Bones, you might find yourself struggling to catch up to targets or run away from pursuers. As such, it's important to keep your crew in good shape, whether you're sailing to the unknown or heading to your next battle. Here's our guide on how to restore and increase stamina in Skull and Bones.


How to restore and increase stamina in Skull and Bones

You can restore and increase stamina by lowering your sails, cooking and eating certain types of food, equipping Items with particular ship furniture, or interacting with Pirate's Bonfires. We discuss each method in the sections below.


Raising your ship's sails

Generally speaking, hoisting your sails to move at the fastest possible speeds will gradually deplete your stamina meter. This mechanic is denoted by the curved meter next to your ship's speed in the lower-right portion of the screen. If you're sailing at full speed (i.e. pressing the "W" key until the meter is in the green), you'll notice that your crew's stamina gets drained. However, if you raise your sails (i.e. pressing the "S" key), your ship will still be able to move around, while also replenishing stamina over time. Use this to your advantage in case you're simply sailing with the wind at your back or whenever you don't need to pursue another vessel.


Food and meals that restore stamina

A lot of edible cheap items in Skull and Bones help with stamina restoration. Take note that eating cooked meals is better than eating grilled entrees or raw ingredients. Still, here are some examples:


Ingredients - These provide +25% stamina when consumed:


Raw Beef

Raw Vegetables

Raw Chicken

Raw Fish

Shark Meat

Grilled Food - These restore 40 to 60% stamina when consumed:

Grilled Coconut

Grilled Shark

Grilled Banana

Grilled Beef

Grilled Bread

Grilled Chicken

Grilled Durian

Grilled Fish

Grilled Mutton

Grilled Crocodile

Grilled Hippo

Grilled Vegetables

Cooked Meals - Lastly, cooked meals require different kinds of ingredients, but they also provide additional effects on top of stamina replenishment:

Godrogodro - +30% stamina regen; +10% Repair Kit efficiency; -30% stamina consumption when trimming sails.

Trondro Gasy - +30% stamina regen; +15% Repair Kit efficiency; -20% stamina consumption when bracing.

Vary Be Menaka - +30% stamina regen; +10% Repair Kit efficiency; -30% stamina consumption when bracing.

Ndizi na Nyama - +30% stamina regen; +20% brace mitigation; -30% stamina consumption when bracing.

Ragout - +50% stamina regen; +30% brace mitigation; +10% crew-to-crew damage.

Sate Kambing - +50% stamina regen; -20% stamina consumption when bracing; -30% stamina consumption when trimming sails.

Bitterballen - +50% stamina regen; +20% brace mitigation; +15% crew-to-crew damage.

Ron'akoho - +50% stamina regen; +15% crew-to-crew damage; -20% stamina consumption when trimming sails.

Mchuzi wa Kuharibu - +50% stamina regen; +30% brace mitigation; -20% stamina consumption when bracing.

Otak-otak - +50% stamina regen; +15% crew-to-crew damage; -20% stamina consumption when bracing.


Pirate Bonfire buffs

Another way to increase and restore stamina in Skull and Bones is through the buffs granted by Pirate Bonfires. These structures are found in outposts, which also serve as fast travel points. Interact with these to make your character throw green powder, which then ignites the structure. Doing so grants a 20-minute stamina boost after exiting combat within the outpost's area. Note that this buff also affects the rest of your group if you're at a party.


Stamina-related ship furniture

Last but not least, you also gain some stamina-related buffs from some ship furniture:


War Drums - -50% stamina consumption while trimming sails in combat.

Water Tank - -50% stamina consumption when bracing; +20% stamina recovery.

Sterile Galley - +7% maximum stamina.

Leather Rope Grips - -15% stamina consumption when trimming sails.

Rum Pantry - +10% stamina recovery.


That's how you repair your ship in Skull and Bones. If you're just getting ready to start your adventure, you can check out our guides on how to repair your ship and how to complete the High Seas Heist quest.

Jul-12-2024 PST