Path of Exile: How to Get Sulphite

In Path of Exile, sulphite is a crucial resource required to delve into the depths of the azurite mine in the Delve League mechanics. Efficient Sulphite farming is essential for players who want to delve as much as possible without being interrupted by the need to farm other content. Here's a detailed guide on how to farm Sulphite efficiently so you can maximize your Delve runs.


What is Sulphite?

Sulphite is a resource used to power the mining cart in the Azurite Mine, allowing you to traverse deeper into the mine. The deeper you go, the more Sulphite is required to continue. Running out of Sulphite forces you to farm other content to replenish your supply, which can interrupt your Delve runs. Therefore, efficient Sulphite farming is key to maintaining a steady flow of Delve runs.


Where to Get Sulphite?

Sulphite can only be obtained by interacting with Voltaxic Sulphite Veins found in maps. These veins appear randomly, and clicking on them automatically collects Sulphite, which is stored in a separate meter.


Voltaxic Sulphite Veins don't have a 100% spawn rate in maps, but their appearance and the amount of Sulphite they provide can be influenced by various in-game mechanics such as atlas skill nodes, master missions, and Scarabs.


Best Atlas Skill Nodes for Sulphite Farming

To maximize your Sulphite farming, allocate the following atlas skill nodes:


Guarded Hoards: Increases the amount of Sulphite gained from veins and chests.

Sulphite Infusion: Boosts the chance of finding additional Sulphite Veins in your maps.

Mining Byproducts: Enhances your Sulphite capacity by increasing Azurite gains, allowing for more extended Delve runs.

Packed with Energy: Provides powerful character buffs for each Sulphite Vein or chest found in your maps:

+1% to all maximum elemental resistances

35% increased damage

15% increased movement speed


These nodes significantly enhance your Sulphite farming efficiency and can even be used by players who don't focus primarily on Delve but still want the character buffs provided by these nodes.


Best Sulphite Farming Method

The most efficient way to farm Sulphite is by using Scarabs to ensure a high spawn rate of Sulphite Veins in your maps. Here's the step-by-step method:


Acquire Rusted Sulphite Scarabs:


These are the cheapest Sulphite Scarabs available and should be used when opening maps.

Place a Rusted Sulphite Scarab in your map device before running a map.


Run T16 Maps:


T16 maps naturally provide the highest amount of Sulphite per vein. Without additional modifiers, T16 maps can yield over 1,000 Sulphite per vein.

With the right atlas nodes and Scarab buffs, each map can net you between 5,000 to 25,000+ Sulphite, depending on your luck with Guarded Hoards procs.

Upgrade Your Scarabs for More Sulphite (Optional):


Upgrading to Gilded or Winged Sulphite Scarabs increases the Sulphite yield but at a significantly higher cost. Use these only if you're willing to invest more currency into farming Sulphite.


Replenishing Maps:


To sustain your Sulphite farming, allocate atlas nodes that increase the chance of maps dropping one tier higher. This ensures you have a steady supply of high-tier maps for Sulphite farming.

Free Alternative: Master Missions

If you want to avoid the cost of purchasing Sulphite Scarabs, you can use Niko's master missions for free Sulphite farming:


Activate Niko's Master Mission:


In the map device, you'll find four master emblems under the three major influences. Select Niko's emblem (the third emblem) to guarantee the spawn of Sulphite Veins on your map.

Each colour represents the number of times you can use it for maps of that tier (red, yellow, blue).


Increasing Master Missions:


Run as many maps as possible and allocate every map and master node in your atlas skill tree. This increases your chances of getting a Niko mission after each map completion.

This method allows you to farm Sulphite without needing to purchase Scarabs but relies on RNG for mission availability.



Farming Sulphite efficiently in Path of Exile requires a strategic approach using atlas skill nodes, Scarabs, and master missions. By following this guide, you can minimize the time spent farming other content and maximize your Delve runs. Whether you invest in Scarabs or rely on master missions, maintaining a steady flow of Sulphite will ensure you can explore the depths of the Azurite Mine to your heart's content.


For players looking to enhance their farming efficiency, consider using Path of Exile currency and items to further optimize your builds and run strategies. Acquiring the right gear and resources can significantly boost your Sulphite farming potential, making it easier to delve deep into the mines.

Aug-22-2024 PST