Elden Ring: Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame Location and Guide

Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame, is a challenging optional boss found in the Abyssal Woods region of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. To face him, you must complete Midra's Manse, a minor dungeon located in the southwestern corner of the Abyssal Woods. Below is a detailed guide to reach the dungeon and a comprehensive boss fight strategy to overcome this powerful foe.


How to Reach Midra's Manse

Collect the Map: Abyss Fragment

Start by acquiring the Map: Abyss in the Abyssal Woods region. This map is crucial for navigation. Near the map stele, be sure to collect the two Scadutree Fragments inside a nearby church to increase your survivability.


Travel to the Manse

From the map stele, head southwest through the Abyssal Woods. The area is shrouded in fog and teeming with dangerous enemies.


Avoid or Defeat Winter Lanterns

Along the way, you will encounter Winter Lanterns—lethal enemies that can kill instantly if they grab you. You can:


Run past them: This is the easiest option if you prefer not to fight.

Defeat them: Use Carian Retaliation to parry their grab attack. The key is to parry when the lantern lifts its wand right before reaching toward you.


Find the Dungeon

Keep moving west through the fog until you see Midra's Manse in the distance. Complete the dungeon to unlock access to Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame at the end.


Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame Boss Fight Strategy

Midra wields a two-handed sword and casts madness-inducing magic. His attacks deal physical and holy damage, with many of them building up Madness—which, if triggered, leaves you vulnerable and often results in instant death.


Preparation Tips:


  • Equip the Clarifying Horn Charm or other gear that increases Focus resistance to reduce Madness buildup.

  • Use Bleed weapons and stagger-based weapons to exploit his weaknesses.

  • Equip the Axe Talisman and Wondrous Physick with Stonebarbed Cracktear and Spiked Cracktear for charge attack bonuses.


Phase 1 (100%-60% Health)

Opening Attack:


Midra starts the fight with two bursts of Frenzied Flame from his head. Watch closely for the flash of light on his head before the burst to time your dodge rolls.

Pro Tip: Roll toward him and position yourself behind him after the first burst for a charged attack opportunity.


Notable Attacks:


Three-Swing Combo:


He swings his sword down, followed by two quicker swings.

Dodge toward him with each swing to avoid damage and counter after the final swing.


Offhand Dagger Stab:


A fast downward stab with low damage.

Dodge into him to land a quick counterattack.


Sword and Frenzy Combo:


Midra swings his sword, followed by a burst of frenzy flames and another heavy swing.

Be careful not to confuse this with the three-hit combo; adjust to avoid the burst.


Flying Dash Attack:


He floats briefly before flying toward you with a wide slash.

Dodge toward him to avoid damage and counter from behind.


Spinning Combo:


Midra spins his sword for two quick slashes, then pauses before doing three more spins.

Trick: You can crouch under this attack to avoid it entirely if positioned correctly.


Phase 1 Strategy:


Use charge attacks to stagger him quickly. With a heavy weapon and Axe Talisman, he can be staggered in 3-4 charge attacks, giving you an opening for a critical hit.

Maintain high Focus resistance to avoid Madness buildup, and heal with a Flask if necessary between stagger windows.


Phase 2 (60%-0% Health)

At 60% health, Midra triggers Phase 2 with a T-pose animation, floating upward before diving into the ground, causing a massive explosion.


Avoid the Explosion: Run as far as possible from him during this animation. After the explosion, rush in with jumping attacks while he recovers.

New Attacks and Changes:


Flame Augmentation:


Many of Midra's melee attacks now generate Madness flames, increasing Madness buildup.


Improved Thrust:


His long-range thrust now includes a second burst that expands the hitbox. Dodge away to avoid both hits.


Ground Flame Waves:


Midra slashes his sword, releasing cone-shaped waves of flame across the ground.

Roll into the wave to avoid damage. He can also combo two waves in succession, so stay alert.


Frenzy Bomb:


Midra summons a large frenzy orb from his head that explodes after a brief delay.

If you are close, run away immediately and return with a jump attack once it explodes.


Madness Laser:


Midra charges flames into his head and fires a focused laser beam.

If close, roll behind him to attack safely while he fires the laser. If far away, strafe left or right to avoid it.


Ultimate Five-Hit Combo:


Midra unleashes a five-hit combo where each swing releases a wave of flames.

Dodge toward him with each swing to avoid the flames. The final swing has a long delay, so time your dodge carefully.


Rewards for Defeating Midra

Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame: Can be exchanged for unique weapons or spells.

410,000 Elden Ring Runes: A hefty reward to bolster your stats or purchase valuable Elden Ring items.


Final Tips and Summary

Stagger and Bleed are your best tools in this fight. With the right setup, you can lock Midra into a loop of critical hits and bleed procs, minimizing the attacks he can use.

Stay calm during Phase 2. Avoiding his explosive moves and Madness flames will give you critical windows to strike.

Be patient. Learn the timing of each attack, especially his delayed moves, to avoid panic rolling.


With proper preparation and patience, you can conquer Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame, and claim your well-earned rewards.











Oct-19-2024 PST