Diablo 4 - Thoughts on Elemental Druid

Druid is mechanically bulky and takes a ton of advance to be as able as added classes. I didn’t analysis shapeshifting as much, back I absolutely capital to focus on apple and storm abilities.

Spirit: There is no acquiescent ability regeneration, the basal abilities don’t accomplish abundant spirit, and the amount abilities are big-ticket to cast. Investing 4+ accomplishment credibility into the acquiescent spirit gen access feels binding (Diablo IV Gold and should instead be broiled in). Barb’s ability bearing somehow doesn’t feel as bad as Druid. The chic would feel abundant bigger with acquiescent spirit regen (like sorc, necro, rogue). Forcing me to breach barrels in amid mobs aloof to achieve spirit for the abutting action doesn’t feel good… at all.

Skills: Storm Bang feels mandatory, and I could never get Wind Shear to assignment able-bodied enough. The vulnerability debuff from storm bang seems to be a amount allotment of the elementalist body and Wind Shear doesn’t accept this.

Core abilities are beneath able than added casters. Lightning Storm is abundant for AOE and bad for distinct target, while Landslide is the opposite. It feels like both charge to be slotted in adjustment to be a ample elementalist. Contrast that with Chain Lightning or Blood Surge/Corpse Explosion which excel at both AOE and distinct target.

Ultimate skills, added than Petrify, are awful. Cataclysm is artlessly abstract and does no accident admitting attractive incredible. Even acknowledging the Druid playstyle that debuffs on the adversary proc added effects, it doesn’t feel like about abundant to absolve an ultimate slot.

Overall: I appetite to adulation Druid, but I’m underwhelmed. Druid accident feels acutely undertuned beyond the board. I was able to catchbasin bigger than any added chic (although I ambition Fortify formed a bit differently), but the fights took 5x as continued as on my Sorc or (lol) Necro.

I adulation the chic fantasy, and the spell animations attending amazing. But there’s an actual clunkiness at lower levels that aloof doesn’t abide in added classes. Low accident aside of cheap Diablo 4 gold, the ability bearing feels too apathetic at baseline, the abridgement of acquiescent spirit about-face feels clunky, and the abridgement of versatility in amount abilities feels attached compared to added classes. The alone band-aid seems to be to either akin up and advance added accomplishment credibility to ample in the gaps, or to get advantageous with allegorical drops.

Mar-29-2023 PST