​Diablo 4 release date and battle pass revealed for Season of Wicked

A month after the release of Diablo IV Boosting, Blizzard is now ready to ramp up its live service ambitions with the first season we now know as the Season of the Wicked.

We learned a lot about the season, including a release date.

Season 1 Pre-Release Date: July 18th – At this point, the game will release a patch that will include balance changes, quality of life changes, and even new legendary and unique items that will be added this season and will be available in Eternal Realms. Is displayed. , but you can't yet create a character for the season without actually starting the season.

Season One Release Date: July 20 - This is the actual "real" release date of the villain's season. You then create a seasonal character who can play through new stories, take advantage of new seasonal mechanics, and buy Diablo 4 Boosting earn paid and free Battle Pass passes.

So what have we learned from the season? I will go into detail. Here's everything else:

STORY - A new character named Cormond (Cormond) enlists our help in fighting a dangerous new plague that is sweeping the land, infecting plague monsters and overloading them with dirt and traps, and killing monsters with things. , If you have already completed the campaign, immediately start a new story in MMoexp (you should probably complete the campaign before the season comes out).

Enemies - Evil enemies will appear in the world, infect and then spawn super elite versions of themselves and support the crowd. This leaves a heart in the cage. Also, a new boss has been added to the game: Version the Consumed.

Caged Hearts - This is a seasonal mechanic. Imprisoned Hearts work the same as Gems, except Gems have powerful legendary powers (like Diablo Immortal, but for free). The three colors of hearts will be merged into the three colors of your armor's "Damage" slot, giving you a new "Stupid Broken Build" that works all season long. A "strong" fourth heart fits in every cave and is rare. You can place hearts on random enemies or later in the Malevolent Tunnel dungeon where colored heart targets are placed. There are 32 types of imprisoned spirit powers.

Battle Pass – As you would expect from a level 100 Battle Pass. It's only available through seasonal characters, both through slaying monsters and through seasonal challenges that ask you to do specific things and give you things like appearance rewards, but there's also plenty of progression in the Battle Pass. It's free.

Battle Pass has 27 free levels that you can access even if you don't spend any money. This includes some gameplay improvements like extra coins or the ability to drop hearts. The rest is chargeable and purely cosmetic. While there are some free cosmetics, these are pretty basic (they appear as red shirts) compared to the paid jungle armor. I'm not sure about the price of paid battle tickets either, and the link on Blizzard's website doesn't work either.

Prepare Yourself - One of the weirdest things Blizzard tells you is that starting with the July 18th patch, you'll have to join the character who has the highest overall progress, most cards cleared, and most Lilith statuettes obtained. It then transfers the progress to all other characters permanently, whether eternal or seasonal. It's their clumsy solution not to allow everyone to do it again at the start of the season.

More to come soon, but I love it all.

Jul-07-2023 PST